About Us 


Camp C.G.I. is a joint program of Rabbi Moshe & Dina Krasnanski of Chabad TMR, together with Rabbi Schneur & Leah Silberstein of Chabad VSL & Bois Franc, who both organize programs for children and teens from all levels of society round the year, reaching more than 800 unique children yearly, many of whom are from broken homes and are at risk.

Fifteen years ago, the four of them felt the need for a quality Jewish day camp in Montreal, as it’s well known that the impact camp has on a child is one of the greatest contributors to a strong Jewish identity and self-confidence. They undertook to create quality Jewish day camp in Montreal.

They started the camp in 2006 with 30 children, and over the past 15 years Camp C.G.I. had grown to over 400 children every summer in the different divisions, including regular camp, sports camp, pioneers and more programs.

The children flourish in a safe loving environment, with the best staff and role models brought in from all over the world, just to spend their summer with your children. This all done in a joyful, fun atmosphere among friends as they learn important values and strengthen their Jewish pride.

Over the years, we have seen the impact camp has on each individual child. Children have opened up and blossomed, children who got hope and positivity in their life again, families have transformed , and Jewish identity reborn and strengthened.

Our camp is a day camp with a sleep away experience. Fun, growth, wonderful memories and friends for life.

Register now! 


514-747-1199, [email protected]